Educational Workshops

Personal and Professional Development Lectures in Learning Environments


Conversations in the classroom

Focused on providing the fundamentals to intentional and authentic living you won't find pop quizzes and textbooks in a Creative Conversation workshop. Instead, participants learn how to use those everyday moments of insights + recognition to unapologetically cultivate a sustainable life using their developed skills and intrinsic interests. Geared toward students my classroom conversations use a variety of narratives, exercises + creative theories to reclaim the value + power in, what appears to be, the mundane.


This year I'm interested in the following:

Educating students in traditional learning environments at High Schools + Universities

Adding to the discussion amongst my peers at artist residencies, conferences or organizations

Featuring my views on podcasts, radio and publications (online + print)

Speaking at wellness, entrepreneurship + sustainable living workshops

Working with after-school + summer programs

Please note that any opportunity outside of Atlanta, GA must include financial support for transportation and lodging.